About me

MARINA BOOKS is a children's and YA books agency founded by me, Marina Huguet.
I represent internationally renowned and award-winning catalogues from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. My background education and professional experience include literary translation and international sales (including logistics, which I find fascinating...). Former Foreign Rights Manager at Flamboyant publishing house in Barcelona for four fruitful years, I then was and I am now committed to making high-quality and engaging books travel across languages and countries (I have reached 35 languages so far). I was Shortlisted for the LBF International Excellence Awards 2021 in the The Rights Professional Award for my accomplishments in rights sales, but what makes me really happy is finding new international chests for my publishers' treasures.
I love my family (the one you are born with and the one you are meeting along the way) and friends (most of the dearest ones are in this crazy industry), dancing to swing music, traveling as much as eating good food, animals, and... maybe books!!!